Tag: Savannah River

Will billions in East Coast port spending bring more trade through the Panama Canal?

I’ve read a lot and written some over the last couple of years about the likely impacts on commerce of the Panama Canal expansion and the vast infrastructure spending in the U.S. to expand ports. And I’m pretty cynical about…

Growing uncertainty about future shipping patterns when Panama Canal expansion is completed

I’ve been spending a lot of time over the last couple of years reading about TEUs, about hub-and-spoke models for cargo transport, about tidal delays, about canal tolls, and on and on and on With the widened Panama Canal likely…

Analyst suggests little immediate impact of Panama Canal expansion on East Coast ports

From the Jacksonville Business Insider’s Panama Canal expansion might not impact East Coast immediately: Mark Szakonyi, an associate editor with the Journal of Commerce and former Business Journal logistics reporter, […] spoke Monday to Jacksonville’s Council of Supply Chain Management…

A few photos from the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge

In my City Talk column on Tuesday, I mentioned taking a visiting family to the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. Given the blustery weather, sudden squalls, and impatient boys who were along for the ride, I didn’t take very many photos,…

Savannah Morning News: City council likely to reject further cruise ship studies

I already posted my opposition to continuing with further study of whether Savannah should build a cruise ship terminal. I think that the idea should be rejected purely on economic and political grounds, but there’s obviously a bigger argument that…

The question no one is asking about cruise ships in Savannah

Next week we’ll get to take a look at a study about the viability of potential sites for a cruise ship terminal in Savannah. The study has been completed by BEA Architects, which designs such facilities, so of course the…

World Ocean School on the Roseway schooner now docked in Savannah (photos)

My City Talk column in the Savannah Morning News today, Historic schooner offers educational programs, day sails on Savannah River, discusses my cruise last week on the Roseway, a tall ship now home to the World Ocean School. If the…

Just $1.28 million in Obama budget for Savannah port dredging

I haven’t been posting much to the statewide political blog Peach Pundit over the last few weeks. But I have a new post up right now: Despite significant infrastructure spending in Obama’s proposed budget, only a pittance for Savannah port…

Savannah Morning News publishes 4 part investigation of cruise ship pros and cons

Congrats to Lesley Conn and Mary Landers on their mega investigation today in the SMN of the pros and cons of cruise ships in Savannah. From the centerpiece story, FOUR-PART SPECIAL: A Savannah cruise port –– easy money or easy…

Four takeaways from Washington Post’s fresh coverage of the Panama Canal expansion

Key takeaways:

1. Despite various economic projections, no one can be certain what the trade impacts of the Panama Canal expansion will be.

2. The massive expenditures of tax dollars in the U.S. are happening without any clear national plan to maximize spending. States with major ports see themselves in competition with other states, not as working cooperatively for the betterment of the country.

Longshoremen’s contract extension staves off strike

Not much news yet, but: Longshoremen’s contract on East and Gulf coasts extended for 30 days | savannahnow.com

Will Savannah and other ports see strike before end of 2012?

GPA chief Curtis Foltz describes December 29 longshoremen’s strike as “pretty likely”.

Latest on Savannah River dredging: Corps of Engineers sent letters to Biden, Boehner, others in attempt to bypass S.C. objections

By going directly to key members of Congress, the Corps has potentially opened a can of worms. Not only will groups like the Southern Environmental Law Center know whom to lobby, but members of Congress would seem likely to engage directly — and behind the scenes — with the South Carolina delegation before pushing for strong action.

S.C. Supreme Court revokes key environmental permit for Savannah River dredging

OK, folks, this is yet another small drama interrupting the timeline that’s likely to end with eventual completion of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, a $652 million plan to dredge the Savannah River from 42 to 47 feet to accommodate…