Category: Economics

What are our options for redesigning Drayton and Whitaker streets in Savannah?

In my City Talk column on Sunday — Is it time to talk traffic calming in downtown Savannah? — I focused entirely on Drayton Street and Whitaker Street. Many drivers on those streets greatly exceed the posted speed limit (35…

The New York Times spends “36 Hours in Savannah”

The NYT’s popular “36 Hours” column covers Savannah this week. I like the opening: Some of Savannah’s best-known attractions — mossy cemeteries, old mansions, ghost tours — give the misleading impression that the city is a macabre vestige of its…

Hiring rebounds in April, U.S. economy adds over 200,000 jobs

I’ve been writing a lot in my City Talk columns about the employment recovery in Savannah and in Georgia’s metro areas (some rural areas are still so weak in terms of hiring that it’s hard to use the word “recovery”),…

December employment numbers show solid growth; 2014 was the best year for jobs since 1999

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics today: Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 252,000 in December, and the unemployment rate declined to 5.6 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in professional and business services,…

The Atlantic asks “What’s Wrong With Georgia?”

Remember back 7 or 8 years ago, when lots of folks here in Georgia — mostly but not all well to the right of the political center — could barely contain their glee at the fiscal and economic woes in…

NYT covers lawsuit challenging Savannah tour guide requirements; city council revises ordinance but leaves controversial exam in place

I’ve written several times here and in my City Talk columns — see here and here — about the federal lawsuits filed against cities with tour guide licensing requirements that include written tests, physical exams, and other bureaucratic hurdles. Coincidentally,…

U.S. economy added 321,000 jobs in November; 2014 is one of best years for job growth since 1990s

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 321,000 in November, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains were widespread, led by growth in…

Savannah’s tour guide test really will be put to the test by new lawsuit

UPDATE: Check out a fascinating piece from the AP: High Court Asked to Rule on Tour-Guide Licensing From that piece: On the heels of conflicting rulings from two appellate courts, a Virginia-based group wants the U.S. Supreme Court to decide…

On Savannah’s Broughton Street: Ben Carter vs. Who????

I’ve been writing about Broughton Street changes in my City Talk columns for over 14 years, and I have a slightly different take on the recent moves by developer Ben Carter, who now controls about three dozen retail properties in…

Another solid employment report: U.S. economy added 248,000 jobs in August, unemployment drops below 6 percent

From the BLS: Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 248,000 in September, and the unemployment rate declined to 5.9 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment increased in professional and business services, retail trade, and health care.…

More good economic news in July employment numbers: 209k new jobs, 6.2% unemployment

From today’s release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 209,000 in July, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 6.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in…

Larry Summers critiques new book critiquing policy responses and causes of the deep recession and slow recovery

Very wonkish, but it’s worth checking out Lawrence Summers on ‘House of Debt’ in the FT. From Summers’ review/critique of the new book House of Debt by Atif Mian and Amir Sufi: Mian and Sufi, professors at Princeton and the…

A few thoughts on the May employment report showing 217,000 new jobs added in U.S., unemployment rate at 6.3%, and total employment at all-time high

The U.S. economy probably needs to add somewhere around 120,000 jobs per month to keep up with population growth, so the May Employment Situation showing 217,000 more jobs is pretty good news. First some info, then a few comments. From…

U.S. economy added 288,000 jobs in April in latest estimates; unemployment rate plummets to 6.3%

Before we get too excited — or too worried — about today’s seemingly upbeat employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you might want to take a look at this excellent analysis at the NYT’s The Upshot, which details…