Category: Politics
State of the Union word cloud
Full text of the State of the Union and a few highlighted sentences
You’re undoubtedly going to see all sorts of coverage of this, but I thought I’d just try to bold a very small number of things that stand out to me in tonight’s SOTU: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of…
With HOPE scholarships facing long-term funding problems, Georgia Democrats once again propose means testing and other measures
Last spring I wrote about Georgia democrats’ hopes to change HOPE. Now democrats in the state legislature are filing a variety of bills that would guarantee larger scholarships for lower-income Georgians and seem to shore up HOPE’s very shaky long-term…
Really, really classy video from Gabrielle Giffords, who is stepping down from Congress this week to focus on her recovery
Exit polling reveals depth of weakness in support of Republican candidates
As I wait for that big blog of plasma from the sun to come near Earth, I’ve been looking at the exit polls from South Carolina. Let me begin by saying that I’m shocked by the weakness of the Republican…
Washington Post picks Beaufort County, just across Savannah River, as most important to watch in today’s S.C. vote
The Washington Post on the importance of watching the vote in Beaufort County in today’s Republican presidential primary: 1. Beaufort County This was Romney’s best county – by far – in 2008, when he took 26 percent of the vote…
SOPA update: chief sponsor pulls the bill; PIPA also shelved
From the Washington Post’s Wyden: SOPA win was a `grassroots victory for the history books’ by columnist Greg Sargent: In a huge victory for grassroots online organizing, the Senate Dem leadership announced this morning that it was indefinitely postponing votes…
What did Newt want? It all depends on what the meaning of “open marriage” is . . .
The Republican presidential candidates’ circular firing squad looks certain to continue at least until the primary vote in South Carolina. Tonight, ABC will broadcast an interview with Newt Gingrich’s second wife (he’s on #3 right now), in which she tells…
Hands down the funniest political ad ever: Gingrich super PAC animates Obama vs. Romney debate
Huntsman picks up endorsement of S.C.’s largest newspaper, but he’s apparently quitting race
From The State’s editorial today (Huntsman could bring us back together) endorsing Jon Huntsman in the South Carolina Republican primary: There are actually two sensible, experienced grownups. And while Mr. Romney is far more appealing than any of the other…
Pro-Gingrich PAC takes the gloves off in S.C., dubs Romney “King of Bain”
Key policy proposals from Governor Deal’s State of the State address
You can read the entire State of the State address here. Governor Nathan Deal delivered it last evening (Tuesday) to the Georgia legislature. As I noted in a post yesterday about some of the Governor’s economic initiatives, I find the…
Mitt Romney on health insurance portability and how much he likes firing people
Another awkward moment from the Romney campaign. First he seems to be giving a pretty good endorsement of the idea of health care exchanges under “Obamacare”, and then he riffs: “I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.”