Category: Politics

Romney’s Sunday visit to Georgia an indication that every vote could actually matter on Tuesday

Barring a dramatic upset, Newt Gingrich will win the Georgia Republican primary on Tuesday. But Romney will be in Snellville on Sunday, obviously trying to shore up his support in suburban Atlanta, where he could end up doing pretty well…

Marijuana in Georgia

Will prison reform bill result in fewer arrests and shorter sentences?

With Republican primary looming, Georgia looks up for grabs

In 2008, the Republican primary in Georgia was really tight:
Mike Huckabee 33.9%
John McCain 31.6%
Mitt Romney 30.2%

Two new polls suggest a similar scenario [. . .]

Gingrich threatens to sue Georgia stations that run some Romney Super-PAC ads

A variety of media sources are reporting that the Gingrich campaign is demanding that the Romney supporting Super-PAC Restore Our Future stop airing ads that are “NOT TRUE”. And, in a particularly interesting twist regarding various Constitutional issues, Gingrich’s campaign…

CNN Republican debate in Atlanta cancelled; Gingrich camp says Romney “spits in Georgia’s face”

From Jim Galloway at the AJC: CNN calls off March 1 GOP debate in Atlanta: The March 1 Republican presidential debate scheduled for Atlanta is off, CNN confirmed Thursday. The move comes after at least two of the four GOP…

Gingrich first, Santorum second among likely Republican voters in Georgia as Romney support lags

I still see Mitt Romney as a virtual lock for the Republican nomination, but it’s going to be really ugly getting there. It looks like we’ll be deep into the spring — and maybe all the way to the convention…

Rap at CPAC

It’s really hard to see how this works as any sort of political messaging. From the recent CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), “Mr. America” by Powdered Zombies:

With support falling from 2008 to 2012, major signs of trouble for Romney in latest caucus results

Check out the Colorado vote from 2008:

And check out the Colorado voter from 2012:

Latest Georgia poll shows gains for Romney, but Gingrich still solidly ahead

I have no idea what will happen to the polls in Georgia over the next month, but I expect Romney to stay solidly in the lead nationally. Click here to see the raw data in a SurveyUSA poll conducted for…

The politics and economics of job losses and gains over the last three years

It looks like the U.S. economy might be in sustained jobs recovery. That recovery might even turn out to be a significant one. Just days before last Friday’s great jobs report, I posted about a whole series of economic releases…

Rural state caucuses: very small numbers of people making very important decisions

In the 2008 Pennsylvania primary for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton beat Barack Obama 55-45 — a margin of over 200,000 votes. She picked up 12 delegates on him: 85 to 73. But that was only enough to offset Obama’s…

On eve of Florida primary, stats guru Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight projects 15 point Romney win

I love Nate Silver’s blog FiveThirtyEight (named for the total number of electoral votes). Silver began his blog independently, but migrated over to the New York Times. Btw, I’m over my monthly limit in terms of free visits to Times’…

Florida snapshot from new poll: Romney with solid lead, Gingrich with high negatives, Obama would beat either handily if general election were today

The data in the new NBC/Marist poll certainly gives some interesting glimpses of the Republican primary field in advance of Tuesday’s winner-take-all vote in Florida. A few details that stand out: In head-to-head general election hypotheticals Obama 49% – Romney…

Will the next housing bubble be on the moon?

Newt Gingrich is getting plenty of grief from comedians and pundits these days for his plans for a lunar colony. In case you missed it, a few days ago he said, “By the end of my second term [!], we…