Gingrich threatens to sue Georgia stations that run some Romney Super-PAC ads

A variety of media sources are reporting that the Gingrich campaign is demanding that the Romney supporting Super-PAC Restore Our Future stop airing ads that are “NOT TRUE”.

And, in a particularly interesting twist regarding various Constitutional issues, Gingrich’s campaign is threatening to sue Georgia-based television stations that run any of those ads.

From CBS:

An attorney representing the former House Speaker, according to Gingrich’s website, sent letters to Georgia-based television stations saying the ad is “NOT TRUE” (Gingrich’s emphasis, not ours).

Attorney Patrick Millsaps wrote that the ad is “defamatory” and could expose the television station to “civil liability” if the station airs it.

The letter says the ad connects Gingrich with Democrat Nancy Pelosi, saying they co-sponsored a bill to provide “$60 million a year to a United Nation’s program supporting China’s brutal one-child policy.”

Here’s an ad that would likely be in question:

In other news from Friday, Gingrich turned up the rhetorical heat even more (there’s got to be an upper limit somewhere):

After two people dressed in chicken suits entertained the crowd, holding a sign reading “I’m Chicken to Debate Newt,” Gingrich hit his rivals for backing out of a CNN-sponsored debate that had been scheduled for March 1 but was canceled after Santorum, Romney and Rep. Ron Paul of Texas said they would not attend.

“I’m going to ask them to reconsider and come to Georgia. It’ll be just fine,” Gingrich told an audience of about 400 gathered in an airplane hangar in Peachtree City for an evening rally. “We’ll be hospitable, and frankly there’s something wrong when someone tries to buy their way to the presidency.”

That Gingrich would be under this kind of pressure in Georgia, especially given the widespread endorsements from state Republican leaders, is another sign that his campaign is essentially over. But he’s apparently going to go down with words blazing.