I’ve been spending a lot of time over the last couple of years reading about TEUs, about hub-and-spoke models for cargo transport, about tidal delays, about canal tolls, and on and on and on With the widened Panama Canal likely…
Tag: dredging
Analyst suggests little immediate impact of Panama Canal expansion on East Coast ports
From the Jacksonville Business Insider’s Panama Canal expansion might not impact East Coast immediately: Mark Szakonyi, an associate editor with the Journal of Commerce and former Business Journal logistics reporter, […] spoke Monday to Jacksonville’s Council of Supply Chain Management…
The question no one is asking about cruise ships in Savannah
Just $1.28 million in Obama budget for Savannah port dredging
I haven’t been posting much to the statewide political blog Peach Pundit over the last few weeks. But I have a new post up right now: Despite significant infrastructure spending in Obama’s proposed budget, only a pittance for Savannah port…
Four takeaways from Washington Post’s fresh coverage of the Panama Canal expansion
Key takeaways:
1. Despite various economic projections, no one can be certain what the trade impacts of the Panama Canal expansion will be.
2. The massive expenditures of tax dollars in the U.S. are happening without any clear national plan to maximize spending. States with major ports see themselves in competition with other states, not as working cooperatively for the betterment of the country.
Latest on Savannah River dredging: Corps of Engineers sent letters to Biden, Boehner, others in attempt to bypass S.C. objections
By going directly to key members of Congress, the Corps has potentially opened a can of worms. Not only will groups like the Southern Environmental Law Center know whom to lobby, but members of Congress would seem likely to engage directly — and behind the scenes — with the South Carolina delegation before pushing for strong action.
S.C. Supreme Court revokes key environmental permit for Savannah River dredging
Savannah Harbor Expansion Project gets official nod
South Carolina Ports Authority head talks about Savannah River dredging and proposed Jasper port
Check out this interesting interview in the Aiken Standard with South Carolina State Ports Authority head Jim Newsome: S.C. Ports Authority’s Newsome reflects on three years as CEO and the path ahead.
Bloomberg: Container lines losing price battle
With so many East Coast ports rushing headlong to expand capacity and with such uncertainties in global trade, I’m left wondering if the complex economic analysis of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project by the Corps of Engineers adequately took into account various scenarios that might have seemed unlikely a few years ago.
NYT notes experts’ skepticism about port expansions and costs
Christopher Lytle, executive director of the Port of Long Beach: “There’s just not going to be a huge movement of cargo from the West Coast to the East Coast.”
Obama executive order should expedite Savannah harbor deepening
New study skirts primary issues regarding East Coast port dredging
Which ports on the East Coast or in the Gulf would it be most cost-effective to deepen in anticipation of larger ships coming through the Panama Canal in 2014? What’s the best way to fund those dredging projects?
East Coast port expansions: more skepticism about costs and about job creation
Transshipment — moving goods from bigger vessels to smaller ones on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal — might mean that much of the planned East Coast harbor dredging is unnecessary.