Tag: Crime

Savannah’s struggle against violence captured in new video: “End Gun Violence: Step Forward”

It’s been an ugly 18 months or so for crime in Savannah, especially shootings. About 50 people have been murdered so far in 2015 in the jurisdiction of the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department, about twice the number in 2014. The…

A few thoughts on the connection between “nonviolent” street crime and really violent street crime

So we had a big night on Tuesday — a new mayor and two new city council members were elected. And for a handful of families, it was a tragic night. I hadn’t been in bed very long when I…

A few thoughts on the RICO civil suit filed by four former Savannah cops

If you’re interested in the RICO civil lawsuit filed a few days ago by four former Savannah police officers against 11 others, the best summary might be by Jan Skutch at SavannahNow: 4 former Savannah-Chatham cops sue ex-chief Lovett, others…

New report has harsh words for Savannah police department and former chief

I already a made a brief post to Peach Pundit about one of the controversies embroiling the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department. And Jan Skutch and Eric Curl have a relatively lengthy piece already at the Savannah Morning News about the…

Tybee Island council rescinds decision to buy license plate scanners

I was highly critical of the recent decision by the city of Tybee Island to scan the license plates of every single car coming or going from the island. Today, the Tybee Island city council voted unanimously to overturn that…

Big Brother on Tybee Island?

From the Savannah Morning News’ Tybee to purchase licence plate scanners: The Tybee City Council’s vote Thursday night to purchase two license plate reading cameras means in the near future every vehicle that drives on and off the island city…

A few Savannah crime maps (updated with no maps)

For the reasons I generated these maps, please read my City Talk column today: Arena debate sparks misplaced crime concerns. I generated maps looking at crime reports over the past year using the website Raids Online. The site is linked…

My two cents on the great Savannah shopping cart debate

I’ve lived less than a mile away from Savannah’s downtown Kroger on East Gwinnett Street since 1995. I make a lot of short trips to the grocery, and I’d say — conservatively — that I’ve been to that store 1,200…

Washington Post details homicide and suicide gun deaths by state

OK, this might not be the cheeriest thing to read on a Sunday morning, but The Washington Post has some fascinating numbers and an excellent interactive graphic here: Gun suicide and homicide: statistics shaped by race. Among blacks, Georgia has…

Jason Statts tells his story of strength and survival — and how music helped save him

Jason and I have many mutual friends, including a few pretty close ones, and I’ve seen enough of him in person and online over the last few years to be in awe of his positive attitude in the face of so many struggles. I’m not sure I could do it.

CNN’s “Inside look” at sex trafficking ring busted in Savannah (video)

I might have more to say about this in an upcoming column or post, but for now just be sure to take a look at the following video or read the excellent CNN piece Inside look: How an alleged sex slavery ring is dismantled.

Connecticut state police address misinformation on social media

“Misinformation is being posted on social media sites,” Lt. Paul Vance says, before noting mimicry and pretense online. But from the time of the shootings on Friday until at least late Saturday, mainstream media outlets were posting all sorts of inaccurate information that had allegedly been confirmed by officials.

As tragedy unfolds, news media and social media users make some big mistakes

Let me begin by saying that I can’t imagine the horror and sadness in Newtown over the last 24 hours or so. My heart goes out to those whose lives have been devastated by yesterday’s mass shooting.

Should Savannah have more police officers enforcing drug laws?

I walk around my immediate neighborhood at all hours of the day and night, but I wouldn’t do that a mere three blocks away on Jefferson Street. For whatever reasons, Savannahians have collectively decided — for decades — to allow street-level drug and prostitution activity to dominate the Jefferson Street corridor. When I moved here in the mid-1990s, the activity regularly reached all the way to Liberty Street, but now it’s pretty much confined to the stretch between Anderson and Victory.