Jason Statts tells his story of strength and survival — and how music helped save him

All cities have random, senseless crimes. But Savannah seems to have more than its fair share — if any share can be called fair.

I don’t know if I had ever met Jason Statts before he was shot on June 28, 2008. His band sürt {the destroyer} had played their first gig earlier that night.

Jason and I have many mutual friends — including a few pretty close ones — and I’ve seen enough of him in person and online over the last few years to be in awe of his positive attitude in the face of so many struggles. I’m not sure I could do it.

Last year, Jason started telling his story on a blog: aspirento.

And this week he has a piece in the monthly metal magazine Decibel: Strength Beyond Strength: The Jason Statts Story. Jason tells the story of his injury and recovery through the lens of the music he loved and loves.

It begins:

This is not a work of fiction. It is my real life. My every day. My “new” normal (a phrase I would come to despise while in recovery).

Recovery? Why? Were you an addict?

Good question. The answer is no. My story is a little more interesting.

Ever seen blood trickle from your best friend’s mouth and throat as he crawled on all fours screaming into a phone – screaming with only one vocal cord because the other was blown to bits by the bullet that first passed through your own neck – as you lay motionless? I have.

Wait. Back up a bit. You must’ve missed something.

Please, let me explain.

Check out the rest of Jason’s inspiring story in Decibel and be sure to check out his blog too.