UPDATE: Click here for the latest news on Chiptole opening.
I’m glad readers come to this blog for some of the posts exploring complex issues like residential density and the housing market.
But my blog statistics tell me what people really want to know.
They want to know when Chipotle on Victory Drive will be opening.
A post from early August about the opening date has gotten over 700 views, including a couple of dozen every day this week.
Well over 100 people have found that post by searching for some combination of “chipotle” and “savannah”.
So I bugged Chipotle’s pretty amazingly responsive Twitter team for an update. Sometimes you just have to give the people what they want.
Here’s the latest:
@billdawers Should be mid to late Sept. Â Stopping by and asking the manager is the #1 best way to nail down a date though. Â -Wayne
— Chipotle (@ChipotleTweets) September 3, 2013
So look for an opening date in mid- to late-September to be announced soon. I’ll pop my head in and ask the next time I’m over that way.
The new Chipotle in Savannah will open in the same plaza as Whole Foods Market.