CUSSES’ Kickstarter now up and running to produce second album

From CUSSES’ Kickstarter campaign:

We are a DIY, three-piece rock band rising out of Savannah, Georgia. Since day one we have done everything ourselves. For our debut album we had no help from any record label. The three of us worked hard in the daily grind, knocking down doors, and getting our music out to some of you and into any independent record stores that would have us. It has been hard and our pockets are now dry but with that being said, we still want to move forward and get our music to the world. This is your chance to experience the band and have individualized memories to go with this chapter. Become a part of the band and our record label.

We have a goal of $35,000. This will just cover the recording costs, tracking, mixing, producing, printing, making our next videos for LP2, and the rewards that come with this. We definitely hope to raise more than this!

That’s obviously an ambitious goal, but the band has already raised 10 percent in the first day that the campaign has been live.

There are some great and varied rewards for various levels of support ranging from $1 to $10,000.

Here’s Bryan, Angel, and Brian talking about their plans:

Take a listen to CUSSES’ debut album:

Some photos I’ve taken of CUSSES at various venues over the last couple of years:

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