Thursday meeting examines “State of Small Business” in Savannah

From Savannah Score:

On Thursday, May 30, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, SAVANNAH SCORE will present: The State of Small Business. Reports will be issued by 13 area experts that will have 3 minutes each to present their information on measurable benchmarks relating to the Small Business Community. The FREE conference will take place at the Savannah Mall in the Community Room on the lower level. Columnist Bill Dawers will moderate the panel and lead the Q&A at the end of the presentations.

Click on through to the Score site to read more about the meeting and to register.

Click here to go directly to a PDF of the participants. I’m including a screenshot of that document below.

Marjorie Young has been primarily responsible for creating this event — she first began talking to me many, many months ago about it.

A few quick comments:

In general, there seems to be relatively little hard data that speaks directly to the state of small business in the city, although the various speakers might have some regarding their individual fields.

Events like this face the danger of individual speakers going on too long and also face the danger of turning into a sort of self-congratulatory backslapping. We will try to prevent either of those problems from occurring.

It’s an interesting lineup:

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