My latest Peach Pundit post: July primary could doom TSPLOST

As I said in a post last week, I am now a regular contributor (a couple of posts a week, probably) for Peach Pundit, which is probably the state’s more important political blog.

It’s edited by Charlie Harper, whom some Savannahians might know because of his regular op-ed columns in the SMN.

I’ve got a new post up today — Savannah, Turnout, and TSPLOST — arguing that a weak Democratic turnout in Chatham County on July 31 will doom the coastal region TSPLOST.

Last week I wrote a couple of posts: State revenues still far behind pre-recession levels and Widespread confusion over economic rationale for harbor deepening.

For the time being, I’ll probably do occasional posts here to let readers know what else they can find over there.
