This is pretty crazy:
Open the post for more of the eagle with cats.
Today’s probing piece in the NYT — 417.6 Million Bites Later … by Sarah Lyall — raises some fascinating questions about the viral video Charlie bit my finger — again!
According to the piece, it’s the most-viewed noncommercial video in YouTube history. The British family that uploaded it has made over [. . .]
“A huge sunspot unleashed a blob of charged plasma Thursday that space weather watchers predict will blast past the Earth on Sunday. Satellite operators and power companies are keeping a close eye on the incoming cloud, which could distort the Earth’s magnetic field and disrupt radio communications, especially at higher latitudes.”
Today is the 30th anniversary of a horrific and dramatic Air Florida crash into the Potomac. Here’s a 4-minute video that The Washington Post has put up today with lots of other coverage. Just 5 people survived. One of those would surely have died if a bystander had not leaped into the water to save her.
I hope this doesn’t seem overly morbid, but I saw several press reports about this today and thought I’d link directly to the Center for Disease Control’s Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2010. It’s a surprisingly readable document and it lists,…
If you get a message with the photo below, don’t click. Twitter is afire right now with rumors of Fidel Castro’s death, but it looks like a computer virus. From Cuidad Tu Salad con Diane Perez: Es realmente un virus…
No. But that’s the story that’s making the rounds today. As of right now, the story Massive 1,100+ year old Maya site discovered in Georgia’s mountains, has already been shared over 16,000 times on Facebook. But keep in mind that…