Don’t click on messages saying that Fidel Castro is dead — it looks like a computer virus

If you get a message with the photo below, don’t click.

Twitter is afire right now with rumors of Fidel Castro’s death, but it looks like a computer virus.

From Cuidad Tu Salad con Diane Perez:

Es realmente un virus informatico lo que está detrás de la noticia de la supuesta muerte del ex dictador cubano Fidel Castro.

No es la primera vez que la supuesta muerte de Fidel Castro es utilizada como gancho de los virus informáticos. Ya había sucedido hace un tiempo que la supuesta muerte de Fidel acecho el buzón de entrada de varios usuarios. En esta ocasión aparece la imagen de Castro dentro de un féretro, al abrir el correo se descarga un peligroso troyano.

Google’s translation:

A computer virus is really what is behind the news of the alleged death of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

It is not the first time that the supposed death of Fidel Castro hook is used as computer viruses. It had happened some time ago that the supposed death of Fidel stalking the inbox of several users. This time is the image of Castro in a coffin, opening mail is downloading a dangerous Trojan.

To the left you can see the “photo” that is allegedly making the rounds. is reporting it’s a virus as well.