All that stuff about Southern hospitality? There’s actually a lot of truth to it, especially here in Savannah. Ironically, much of Savannah’s public hospitality simply disappears over St. Patrick’s Day, one of the city’s biggest festivals. We’ve worked so hard…
Tag: St. Patrick’s Day
Savannah St. Patrick’s Day info: road closures, bands, parade updates, etc.
79,238 wristbands for St. Patrick’s Day festival in Savannah: how should we judge the number?
Savannah St. Patrick’s Day photos — the parade and the aftermath
Irish Deputy Prime Minister skips Savannah St Patrick’s Day celebrations because of Hibernians’ all-male dinner
The times they are a-changin’. From the Irish Central’s Irish deputy leader snubs Savannah St Patrick’s Day celebrations over ‘men only’ dinner: Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister has skipped a St Patrick’s Day trip to Savannah to avoid a Hibernian Order…