I’ve read a lot and written some over the last couple of years about the likely impacts on commerce of the Panama Canal expansion and the vast infrastructure spending in the U.S. to expand ports. And I’m pretty cynical about…
Tag: Savannah Harbor Expansion Project
Growing uncertainty about future shipping patterns when Panama Canal expansion is completed
I’ve been spending a lot of time over the last couple of years reading about TEUs, about hub-and-spoke models for cargo transport, about tidal delays, about canal tolls, and on and on and on With the widened Panama Canal likely…
Analyst suggests little immediate impact of Panama Canal expansion on East Coast ports
From the Jacksonville Business Insider’s Panama Canal expansion might not impact East Coast immediately: Mark Szakonyi, an associate editor with the Journal of Commerce and former Business Journal logistics reporter, […] spoke Monday to Jacksonville’s Council of Supply Chain Management…
The question no one is asking about cruise ships in Savannah
Four takeaways from Washington Post’s fresh coverage of the Panama Canal expansion

Key takeaways:
1. Despite various economic projections, no one can be certain what the trade impacts of the Panama Canal expansion will be.
2. The massive expenditures of tax dollars in the U.S. are happening without any clear national plan to maximize spending. States with major ports see themselves in competition with other states, not as working cooperatively for the betterment of the country.
S.C. Supreme Court revokes key environmental permit for Savannah River dredging
Savannah Harbor Expansion Project gets official nod
South Carolina Ports Authority head talks about Savannah River dredging and proposed Jasper port

Check out this interesting interview in the Aiken Standard with South Carolina State Ports Authority head Jim Newsome: S.C. Ports Authority’s Newsome reflects on three years as CEO and the path ahead.
Politico: Panama Canal expansion turns into ‘money grab’
“It’s all a money grab,†said Tom Finkbiner, senior chairman of the Intermodal Transportation Institute at the University of Denver. “The competition becomes between ports and it goes to Washington and you have to justify why you are spending this money. So it becomes an excuse.â€