Savannah’s Fashion Night 2013 – photos and a few thoughts

Congrats to all those who had a hand in organizing Savannah’s Fashion Night on Thursday. There were some huge hurdles in holding the event at all after Vogue/Conde Nast put the annual Fashion’s Night Out on hiatus for at least a year.

The lack of overarching corporate support prevented Gap and Banana Republic from participating in the Broughton Street event, which was certainly regrettable since they are both such large stores.

The SFN crowds on the street definitely seemed smaller than FNO the past two years, but there was some rain and thunder in the area early in the evening that likely hurt attendance. I completely missed hearing Make Westing perform on the Drayton Street stage because I was waiting for the weather to clear before biking down.

And it was the Jewish High Holidays, which certainly cut into the crowd.

But all in all, it seemed like a successful event.

The real key, of course, will be how the Broughton Street retailers and others who had popup shops feel about the night. Did they make some money? Did they cultivate some new customers?

I didn’t really take any photos except at the fashion shows — 2 on the Drayton stage and 2 on the Montgomery stage.

Both stages present some problems in terms of photography, and the first one of the night is especially tricky because there’s still so much light in the sky. I won’t belabor the difficulties since the photos speak to the issues better than I can.

I’ve got considerably more photos than this. So I’ll post these and additional ones to the Savannah Unplugged Facebook page in the coming days. If you want to identify a model or a retailer’s collection, you can do so in the comments here or in the tags/comments later on Facebook.

If you want to share one of these photos, please don’t just pull down and repost the smaller size thumbnail below. I can send you a larger one (billdawers[at], or you can just wait till you can share them easily on Facebook. I’ve had some issues in the last few months with people downloading photos I’ve posted to the blog without permission and then posting them elsewhere without providing links back to this site. Not cool.

Anyway, here are some of the best of the photos that I got of the runway action.

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