So what happened with Kanye West’s video projections in Savannah?

Late Friday, I found out that Savannah had made the list of a dozen cities slated for semi-clandestine projections of Kanye West videos on the side of buildings.

I was in Charleston most of the day yesterday, but I checked West’s website about 5:30 p.m. to find that Savannah was no longer listed as a location. I had a conversation later with someone who had seen Savannah listed on West’s site as late as 3:30 p.m.

So I tweeted the news, updated my original post, and posted the news to my Savannah Unplugged Facebook page. Some others made similar efforts to get out the latest word, but there were still dozens of people in Telfair Square by 10 p.m. waiting for . . . well, whatever was going to happen exactly.

The Telfair was never notified about West’s plans, and I’m not 100 percent certain about the legal issues of projecting a video on the side of a building.

Among the crowd, there was apparently some excitement and wild speculation that West himself might be in town, and the presence of a wedding inside the Jepson confirmed to some that something out of the ordinary was going on.

Even though I was pretty much convinced that the Savannah plans had been scuttled, I rode my bike down to the square to check things out. (It was a glorious night for riding through the Historic District, in any case.)

The crowd was young — mostly high school and college age — and extremely diverse. And extremely well-behaved. By 10:30, the kids started peeling away.

So what happened?

Let’s blame Kim.

I don’t really care at all about Kanye West, but I was interested that a small city like Savannah even made the short list for this project — and I was interested in the spectacle of it all.

Apparently some other locations shifted late in the day on Saturday, but it all amounts to bad P.R. The most dedicated fans were surely among those who held out hope the longest last night; alienating some of your biggest fans in any given city is a terrible P.R. move.

Here’s a shot of the crowd waiting last night in Telfair Square, and then a shot I posted to Instagram of the Jepson lit up for the wedding reception:


Instagram Photo

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