“Gangs in the Garden” from Black Moth Super Rainbow’s upcoming album Cobra Juicy premiered today on NPR Music. From Robin Hilton at NPR:
After raising more than $125,000 on Kickstarter, the synth-psych-rock group Black Moth Super Rainbow is set to self-release its fifth full-length record. The gritty, beat-heavy Cobra Juicy is due out on Oct. 23, but the band is giving fans an early taste now with the thick and dirty “Gangs in the Garden.”
Black Moth Super Rainbow frontman Tobacco (a.k.a. Tom Fec) says on the band’s Kickstarter page that Cobra Juicy is “a little more demon-skater” than previous albums. I have no idea what that means, but I like the way it sounds.
Here you go, demon-skater:
Here’s “Window Smasher” off Cobra Juicy:
There’s obviously lots more about Black Moth Super Rainbow on the band’s website.BMSR is the headliner for Graveface Fest 2012 on Saturday, October 27th here in Savannah.