I’m looking for Savannah-area advertisers . . .

See those four square ads immediately to your right?

Those ads appear on every post and every page of this blog.

Right now, three of those ads are provided through the Google Affiliate Network. I get a small percentage of sales generated from visitors who click on those and buy something within a certain time period.

The other ad there is for a great blog that aggregates statewide news: That’s Just Peachy.

I’ve had a couple of other Savannah-based businesses in those spots in the last few months, and I’ve had inquiries from a few others. But it just doesn’t seem like small businesses in Savannah are thinking about the potential for blog advertising.

If you need to scale a logo or need other basic design help to get a 125 x 125 image, I can perhaps help for little or no cost. That ad can link directly to your website, Facebook page, etc. The ads automatically shuffle throughout the day — they’ll probably change positions even if you just reload.

I’m asking $20/month for those slots, but I’m willing to entertain offers if you’re willing to commit to more than one month up front.

Check out this PDF for details on blog traffic.

Because of the appearance of conflict of interest, I cannot run ads from businesses that I would have any reason to write about in my Savannah Morning News columns.

So if you have a business that seems like a good fit for Savannah Unplugged or if you just have questions, please get in touch with me via billdawers@comcast.net.
