About 96% of precincts are reporting in Georgia right now (about 1 a.m.).
Gingrich has 47.5% of the statewide vote, Romney 25.7%, Santorum 19.6% and Paul 6.5%.
A significant number of the remaining precincts to report are in DeKalb County — and that’s bad news for Santorum. It looks like he’ll get less than 20% of the vote, which means he won’t get any of the 34 delegates being allotted statewide to candidates who get more than 20% of the vote.
So here’s the delegate breakdown as I see it this evening (just an educated guess), first by Congressional district (14 districts, 42 delegates) and then statewide:
3 delegates each from districts 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14. 2 delegates each from districts 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 12. 1 delegate each from districts 5, 6. Plus 23 statewide
Total: 55
2 each from 5, 6. 1 each from 1, 7, 11. 11 statewide
Total: 18
1 each from 2, 8, 12.
Total: 3
With Santorum falling below 20% statewide, Gingrich fared better than expected, and he broke 50% it appears in 6 districts — also a bit better than I expected.