I’ll begin by saying that I doubt there’s ever going to be a truly artistic license plate. Maybe better, then, not to let Georgians vote on this.
But, since we can vote on it, I’ll present your choices here. The actual voting needs to be done via this page at the Georgia Department of Revenue.
So here are the options:
#7 would be a pretty easy winner for me if we just had the county there at the bottom instead of “In God We Trust”, for two reasons: the warmth of the font and the subtle but stylized design. Plus I like seeing the county on a state’s plate. The inclusion of “In God We Trust” clearly violates the establishment clause, I think, but I’ll bet one of those three will end up winning. And then some civil liberties group will file a lawsuit against the state. And then Christian groups will be shocked! outraged! I’d vote for “E Pluribus Unum” in a heartbeat on any of them, by the way.
So my vote is going to go to #2, which is at least making a symbolic nod to the fact that Georgia combines very urban and very rural areas.
The deadline is July 8.