Category: Living Savannah

Truman Parkway opening on Feb. 28 — um, what?!?!

When I saw the SMN headline Truman Parkway extension to open Feb. 28, my very first question was: “Of 2014?” The Truman has been delayed for so many years — even decades — that it seems almost unimaginable that it…

It’s all about noise, noise, noise . . .

My City Talk column today is about the polarizing noise dispute between The Wormhole and some of the bar’s neighbors. Humorously (to me at least), as I was writing this, someone literally just parked in front of my house with…

Sand Gnats owner promises a team to Columbia if new stadium is built

I spotted the Savannah Morning News’ Eric Curl’s blog post a couple of hours ago: Sand Gnats owner promises Columbia, SC a team And since then I’ve been reading up on the big Bull Street development in Columbia, S.C., an…

The Forsyth Park fountain frozen on a cold, cold night

OK, so the fountain wasn’t really “frozen” — just parts of it were. After a huge outpouring of interest in daytime shots during the “polar vortex”, I decided to wander back out to the park after dark on Jan. 7…

The Forsyth Park fountain on the coldest morning in years

Thanks to my friend Mariela for alerting me that the fountain in Savannah’s beautiful Forsyth Park had partially frozen over in last night’s “polar vortex.” I guess the temp dropped to under 20 for a few hours. All the jets…

Great white sharks take a Georgia holiday

I’ve been following the story of OCEARCH and its study of great white shark behavior for a while now, but I missed the Christmas Eve news about Mary Lee — a 16-foot, 3400 pound great white — swinging by Tybee…

Savannah Rocks! bulletin board of Savannah rock history at The Sentient Bean

I’ll probably write more about this impressive project from Savannah Rocks! in my Tuesday City Talk column, so just a reminder that the bulletin board of 30 feet of Savannah rock history is now hanging at The Sentient Bean. From…

GPB on the Sand Gnats, a proposed new stadium, and baseball in Savannah

It’s hard to imagine anyone doing a better job mixing a report like this than GPB’s Orlando Montoya: For just this text, check out Prepared To Leave The City, Savannah Sand Gnats Ask For New Baseball Stadium. From that piece:…

Delta’s Sky Magazine features Savannah this month

There’s an impressive 23-page focus on Savannah in the January 2014 Sky Magazine, which many of you will find on Delta flights this month. Click here to see the full document online — ads and all. The first article, “Talk…

What’s next for Broughton?

My City Talk column today looks at some big trends and big questions for the Savannah area economy in 2014: Questions worth asking, trends worth watching in 2014. It’s tough to look at big issues — especially several at once…

Savannah Unplugged’s 13 most popular posts of 2013

Savannah Unplugged is almost three years old, but sometimes it seems a lot older than that . . . I haven’t been posting quite as much here in recent months since I launched the music blog hissing lawns, but this…

Reasons why you should “like” more pages on Facebook

I have over 3,200 “friends” on Facebook. Of course, all of those aren’t really friends of mine. But I do have some sort of personal connection to a surprising number of people on that list. I’m middle-aged and have lived…

Should Savannah expand the outdoor drinking zone?

Such an interesting and thorough piece by Joe Satran for the Huffington Post: The Secret History Of The War On Public Drinking The article talks about the steady erosion of Americans’ rights to drink in public places. Over a period…

Here’s my Peter O’Toole story

Peter O’Toole died today at age 81. I was lucky to have a chance to hang out for a bit with O’Toole back in 2004 when he was honored by the SCAD-sponsored Savannah Film Festival. The film festival was remarkable…