It poured in and around downtown Savannah today. Much of the area that experienced street flooding sits well above sea level — it’s some of the highest land in the county. But we have longstanding drainage problems when the rain…
Tag: Weather
The Forsyth Park fountain on the coldest morning in years
And now a word about the weather . . .
Tornado chaser, his son, and a colleague killed in Friday’s storms in Oklahoma
After two gray days of biting, relentless cold — Thursday’s high barely reached 50 degrees! — Savannahians finally get a reprieve from winter’s grip
Exactly 7 years after Katrina, Isaac could test New Orleans levees
Radar video of 600-mile “Ring of Fire Derecho” that knocked out power to D.C. area
3 lessons from Beryl
Beryl update: weakened storm begins U-turn
Tropical Storm Beryl stronger, better organized as it nears coast
Beryl likely to impact Georgia coast through Tuesday
Beryl forecast unchanged, headed for Georgia/Florida coast on Sunday
Beryl expected to hit coast late Sunday
Subtropical storm Beryl expected to turn toward southeast U.S. coast on Saturday
I’m not going to be posting about this with every official update, but all folks along the Georgia coast, the southern portion of South Carolina, and the northern part of Florida should be preparing for a potentially serious storm. Beryl is NOT currently predicted to reach hurricane strength, but tropical storms and depressions can be pretty nasty.