Tag: Census Data

“Where did everyone go?”: why some population estimates are so far off

I have wonkily tracked population data for many years now, so my eye was caught by an article in today’s Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Census shock result of flawed estimates”. “How do 121,000 people disappear into thin air?” asks in the opening…

More thoughts on population loss in older neighborhoods, the clustering of services, and supporting existing neighborhoods

In my City Talk column last Sunday, “How public policy can fight population loss in Savannah”, I continued my ongoing discussion about some of the demographic issues evident in the 2010 census data, especially the population loss in many of…

Obama in “decent shape” for 2012 in Georgia in one of first major polls

I have no plans to turn this blog into a forum for the weekly political winds, but the latest release from Public Policy Polling — “Obama in decent shape in Georgia” — struck me as interesting for a variety of…

Population loss in older Savannah neighborhoods, gains in West Chatham

In last Tuesday’s City Talk column, I wrote about the increasing vacancy rates in Chatham County: According to the census in 2000, Chatham County had 99,863 housing units, with 9,818 vacant (about 9.8 percent). In 2010, the county had 119,323…

Location-efficient communities and $4 gas

There’s a great new article up at Planetizen by Scott Bernstein of the Center for Neighborhood Technology: “$4 per Gallon Gas — Are We Ready?” It’s pretty clear that for many Americans, the answer to that question is a resounding…

Census data for Georgia released, county breakdown map embedded

Well the Savannah Stopover led into a great St. Patrick’s Day, and the Savannah Music Festival is just a week away. But at some point I’m going to be getting back to doing some hard work . . . The…