Savannah stadium study leaves key questions unanswered

Call me naive, but I was assuming the $55,000 study to determine the feasibility of a new multi-purpose stadium (multi-purpose, yes, but primarily for the Sand Gnats) would at least address the most important questions. But the 90-page study from…

Orlando Montoya of Savannah Podcast (formerly GPB) launches Patreon campaign – video

Interested in the couple behind a new Southside Savannah supermarket that specializes in products from Mexico? In the reopening of Savannah’s King-Tisdell Cottage? In the new season of the Savannah Philharmonic? In learning more about “the weeping time” when over…

Should Savannah expand the to-go cup zone?

This is another post in response to the release late last week (on the Friday before Labor Day) of the proposed revisions — major revisions — to the city of Savannah’s alcohol ordinance. I’ve already written a couple of posts…

Savannah’s Fashion Night 2014 – photos

I’ll have more to say about Savannah’s Fashion Night in my City Talk column on Tuesday, so this post is pretty much just photos of the well-attended, exciting event. I liked using Broughton Street for the runway shows, but that…

Should Savannah bars be forced to hire additional and costly latenight security?

If you’re looking for broader background on some elements of the draft of the City of Savannah’s new alcohol ordinance, click here. That post focuses on Savannah’s proposed draconian restrictions regarding anyone under 21 being inside a restaurant that serves…

Chipotle on Savannah’s Southside probably opening by late September

Chipotle opened its first Savannah location on Victory Drive near Whole Foods Market in late September 2013. It looks like the second Savannah Chipotle will be opening in late September 2014. The second local store will be at 318 Mall…

The City of Savannah wishes that 18, 19, and 20 year-olds would disappear

I’ll try not to be too harsh in this post. After all, the initial draft of an overhaul of the City of Savannah’s alcohol ordinance has a long way to go — public meetings, consideration by council, etc. I like…

This is the only property in the Landmark Historic District on the official list of the 100 worst properties in Savannah

In today’s City Talk column in the Savannah Morning News, I have a few preliminary thoughts on the city of Savannah’s new 100 Worst Properties list, which is part of the Blight to Bright campaign. I find it so interesting…

What can we do about rapid gentrification of Savannah’s older neighborhoods and the likely increase in suburban poverty?

In my City Talk column today detailing reasons why Savannah should be encouraging more residential density downtown, I touch again on the massive demographic shifts that we’re seeing in some neighborhoods in Savannah. If you want to get a sense…

Flooding on Abercorn Street (video): how can we minimize the damage?

It poured in and around downtown Savannah today. Much of the area that experienced street flooding sits well above sea level — it’s some of the highest land in the county. But we have longstanding drainage problems when the rain…

Saga of blighted building on Waters Ave. turning into another embarrassment for Savannah city officials and a state senator

Where to begin? A month ago, the city of Savannah was taking nominations of blight for the 100 Worst Properties List. Three weeks later, there is still no sign of that list. I’ll try to find out when it will…

Flannery O’Connor died 50 years ago today — a few thoughts

Mary Flannery O’Connor died on August 3, 1964 — 50 years ago today. What more would Flannery O’Connor have written if she had lived to the age of 89? What would she not have written in her 20s and 30s…