Should Savannah bars be allowed to sell package alcohol?

So World of Beer on Broughton Street has applied for a package alcohol license.

I don’t know exactly what World of Beer’s plans are, but I’m assuming they just want to sell package beer, not wine or liquor.

And it seems simple enough, right?

Patrons go into World of Beer, or some other bar with hundreds of beer selections, and find brews they really like. Then they grab some on their way out so that they can enjoy them at home.

According to a SavannahNow blog post by city government reporter Eric Curl, Interim Police Chief Julie Tolbert has sent a memo to City Council opposing the change:

Allowing customers to leave with cans and bottles will make it easier for them to continue drinking, increase the potential for underage drinking and result in a “deluge” of similar requests from other bars throughout the city, Tolbert said.

I’d have to agree with Tolbert on all those counts, especially the likelihood of many more requests from establishments.

Package beer would in theory cost a lot less than individual beers at the bar, and purchasers of package alcohol are not likely to tip heavily, so some bars and bartenders might not find much advantage to package sales — but many would still want the option if a huge establishment like World of Beer has the right. And if someone is ready to head out of the establishment and wants a beer in a sealed bottle or can instead of one already poured into a to go cup, what establishment wouldn’t want to make that easy sale?

I’ll be curious to hear the arguments at this week’s council meeting, assuming the matter continues to move ahead.

But, in the absence of some sort of clear and well-considered policy, this proposal seems like a proverbial can of worms.