ELLE on “Precious” star Gabourey Sidibe at the Savannah Film Festival

As I mentioned in one of my Savannah Morning News columns this week, Precious star Gabourey Sidibe has been in town for the SCAD-sponsored Savannah Film Festival. I gather, but have not confirmed, that her return to NYC was delayed because of Sandy. She was in town all last weekend, and I saw her at Pinkie’s on Monday night late and at Belford’s on Wednesday night (Halloween) for the official after-party.

Anyway, there’s a short, sharp interview with her in ELLE: GABOUREY SIDIBE ON SHARING WISDOM

From the interview, which was apparently conducted after Sidibe had spoken with some SCAD students:

ELLE: Are you reminded of how lucky you are?
GS: It doesn’t remind me of how lucky I am, but how much I’ve worked for it. A lot of times I feel like I cheated because I didn’t go to school and ended up here anyway. Everything’s a struggle, and my story’s different than their stories, but we’ve both worked really hard. It reminds me I’m not just lucky, and I didn’t just fall into it. I worked for it in my own way.

A friend of mine in Philadelphia years ago used to say: “Luck is the residue of design.” He was talking about bowling when he first told me that. The interview is well worth a read.