Well here’s some great press for SCAD and for Savannah.
From longtime NYT columnist Maureen Dowd’s column today, It Goes With Everything, Even Blue Hair:
And of course, the gorgeous black Givenchy cocktail dress Audrey Hepburn wore munching a pastry in front of Tiffany’s one morning — a look so embedded in the DNA of American culture that Tina Fey feyly evokes it on the cover of the new Entertainment Weekly, complete with upswept hair, long gloves, cigarette holder and Cat curled around her neck.
Others consider that image the shimmering height of the L.B.D., or little black dress. But not André Leon Talley, the imperious impresario of a new exhibition on the colorful subject at his eponymous gallery in the art museum of the Savannah College of Art and Design.
It’s a funny, sharp piece, and I sure would have loved to have been a fly on the way as Talley and Dowd toured the exhibit.
The exhibit just opened on Friday as part of the SCAD Gallery Hop and continues into 2013. Click here for more.
Here’s the gallery of photos I shot last year of the SCAD MOA at its opening: