Savannah Arts Academy named top public high school in Georgia

I’ve rhapsodized before on this blog about the programs at the Savannah Arts Academy — the public arts magnet high school on Washington Avenue. Just last night, I was discussing SAA with a friend who has a child about to leave 8th grade and now weighing various options.

Well, U.S. News and World Report named Savannah Arts Academy the top public high school in Georgia. SAA is the only high school in the state to make the top 100 nationally, coming in at #87.

From U.S. News and World Report’s rather dull overview of SAA:

Savannah Arts Academy is ranked 1st within Georgia. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at Savannah Arts Academy is 88 percent. The student body makeup is 33 percent male and 67 percent female, and the total minority enrollment is 29 percent. Savannah Arts Academy is 1 of 11 high schools in the Chatham County.

Here’s the state level listing:

And the national:

The methodology is described here.

But no matter what the methodology, this is a feather in the cap of the sometimes-beleaguered Savannah-Chatham Public School System.

Now, if we can just get more students in area high schools to have experiences that are of comparable quality.

Congrats to all.

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