“Green Crush” cleanup to counter fallout from Orange Crush?

I hope I’m not jumping the gun by too much here in posting this, but I’m interested to see the hashtag #greencrush appearing this afternoon on Twitter.

Even though Savannah State University officials urged students not to participate in last weekend’s Orange Crush and even though it seems pretty clear that the event attracted attendees — many of them not college students — from throughout the region, students at SSU are now leading an effort for a daylong beach cleanup at Tybee on Saturday.

From the blog Tales of Tigers:

Last week, Dr. Irvin Clark sent an email to the student body encouraging them not to attend the festivities as a safety warning, and encouraged them to participate in other activities. Dr. Clark serves as the university’s vice president of student affairs.

Students at Savannah State are currently launching a campaign entitled “Green Crush” to help promote the cleaning as well as the maintenance of Tybee Island.

The Twitter thread is interesting to read. One tweeter questions whether calling the event Green Crush will give the impression that SSU students caused most of the problems of Orange Crush — and it’s a good question. There are a few other doubts expressed, but the discussion is overwhelmingly upbeat and positive.

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