Tag: Sprawl

NYT: “Is Suburban Sprawl on Its Way Back?”

Correspondent Shaila Dewan with an interesting piece today on a theme we’ve been following: Is Suburban Sprawl on Its Way Back? With the housing market showing something of a recovery pretty much across the nation, will we see a rebound…

Interesting Washington Post coverage of baby boomers giving up on the suburbs

The baby boom generation was one of the drivers of the growth of American suburbs and, more importantly, American exurbs — those distant neighborhoods outside traditional suburbs and so far from urban cores that they deserve their own name. Many…

NBC’s Today: The end of the suburbs?

NBC’s Today show had a piece this morning about the changing lifestyle choices of Americans, who are moving into denser urban areas and core suburbs in significant numbers. We’ll likely never see “the end of the suburbs” in any true…

Cities and the “Second Life Cycle Blues”

At one of the recent Metropolitan Planning Commission meetings here in Savannah, commissioners were considering road access to an isolated but sizable lot adjacent to the proposed New Hampstead subdivision at the far west end of the county. The owners…

Wildfires and the cost of sprawl

I don’t have anything to add to an excellent op-ed today by Crystal A. Kolden — former firefighter, fire ecologist, and geography professor — in the Washington Post: Arizona fire deaths prove no one should die for a house. From…

Home builders adjust as buyers reject sprawling suburbs

In the days of increased gas prices, long commutes on increasingly congested roads, more single person households, a new emphasis on sustainability, and a growing desire to live in places that are walkable and bikeable, homebuyers and renters are making different choices than they were a decade ago.

ArchDaily: How to Save Suburbia?

There’s a recent 2-part series by Vanessa Quirk at ArchDaily that succinctly covers some important practical and theoretical ground: Saving Suburbia Part I: Bursting the Bubble and Saving Suburbia Part II: Getting the Soccer Moms On Your Side.