I joined Snapchat recently, but I don’t know what I would use it for. I was just curious to see how the service works. Frankly, Snapchat seems a little crazy to me, and I can’t see much point in it…
Tag: Facebook
Reasons why you should “like” more pages on Facebook
I have over 3,200 “friends” on Facebook. Of course, all of those aren’t really friends of mine. But I do have some sort of personal connection to a surprising number of people on that list. I’m middle-aged and have lived…
Twitter vs. Facebook
New “insights” for Facebook pages — another reason for businesses to rethink social media presence
First impression: Facebook’s new graph search looks like a flop
Pew: Teens “have waning enthusiasm for Facebook, disliking the increasing adult presence, people sharing excessively, and stressful ‘drama'”
Get ready for Facebook’s newly designed news feed
In age of new media, where are our civic spaces?
Instagram backs off new policies that would have allowed commercial sale of users’ pics
I’m not an Instagram user — not yet, anyway — but I’m not entirely reassured by the waffling language here of “not our intention” and “we’re going to remove the language that raised the question”.
As tragedy unfolds, news media and social media users make some big mistakes
Facebook continues deceptions in its messaging service
If you look at your profile on Facebook today, you’ll possibly see a new email for yourself: [your Facebook user name]@facebook.com.
No surprise in Facebook stock decline
Minors encouraging underage perjury in Atlanta school beating case . . . more examples of how users consider Facebook “private”
I have a love-hate-but-mostly-love relationship with Facebook. Eventually, I want to post here about my absurd number of network contacts. But as an occasional teacher of journalism courses and as someone who with more than a passing interest in issues…
Facebook’s new friend browser: a great way to reconnect? or just creepy?
I’m not sure when Facebook’s new friend browser went live, but I just looked at it today for the first time. I couldn’t help immediately limiting my search to my hometown Frankfort, Kentucky, and my high school Western Hills. And…