Comments on: A closer look at population loss in Detroit Fri, 19 Jul 2013 16:53:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: bill dawers Fri, 19 Jul 2013 16:53:46 +0000 In reply to Kevin Klinkenberg.

That’s an excellent piece. Thanks Kevin.

I’m not nearly as pessimistic as the tone there, but these seem to me the two most striking paragraphs:

“The process here is pretty clear. In the name of growth and efficiency, cities embrace the auto oriented pattern of development. This weakens the bonds of the traditional neighborhoods, changing the value paradigm from being one of neighborhood vitality to one of automobile mobility. Now the most valuable places are the ones with the most stuff, the biggest parking lot and the quickest in/out time. Let this approach simmer for a generation and the community, with the support of zoning codes, will segregate into pods based on income and level of affluence.

Now you have the recipe for full decline. As the second life cycle of the Suburban Experiment kicks in, more growth and a little debt is used to make ends meet. Declining neighborhoods are gradually written off as being places where “those people” live, and they just don’t have the same ethics and values as the rest of us. (By the way, identifying “those people” transcends race as I see the same labeling of the disadvantaged here in my 99.5% Caucasian community.) This all makes it easier to divert precious resources to growing (read: affluent) neighborhoods and neglect the others.”

By: Kevin Klinkenberg Fri, 19 Jul 2013 16:30:59 +0000 Another interesting take:
