Almost half of House Republicans opposed to Boehner plan from Ga., S.C. or Fla.

I was curious about which House members are firmly opposed to Boehner’s debt reduction plan — and I had a surprisingly hard time finding a list.

The Hill has a list here. A sizable number of Republican representatives are still on the undecided/unclear list (profiles in courage!).

Here’s The Hill’s list of those who are either a firm no or leaning no. I’ll put the legislators from Georgia, S.C., and Florida in bold. Clearly the Southeast is doing its part to push the nation to default. South Carolina’s entire House delegation opposes the Boehner plan. Secession, anyone?

House Republicans against/leaning no on Boehner plan (25)
Todd Akin (Mo.) — Senate hopeful is a no
Justin Amash (Mich.) — Not shy about breaking from GOP leaders
Michele Bachmann (Minn.) — Said on July 28: “I will not be casting my vote for that bill. I cannot. I am committed to not raising the debt ceiling.” She voted against CCB*
Paul Broun (Ga.) — Against raising debt ceiling; voted against CCB*
Jason Chaffetz (Utah) — Possible Senate candidate told The Hill July 28 he is a no
Jeff Duncan (S.C.) — Told, a South Caroline media outlet, that he is a no
Jeff Flake (Ariz.) — Senate hopeful has said he is leaning no, but declined to comment Thursday night. His vote could be key to passage
Scott Garrett (N.J.) — He told The Hill on July 28 he is leaning no
Phil Gingrey (Ga.) — A definite no
Louie Gohmert (Texas) — Planning to vote no
Trey Gowdy (S.C.) — Leaning no
Tom Graves (Ga.) — Firm no
Andy Harris (Md.) — Strong proponent of BBA**; Indicated to Baltimore Sun he is a no
Tim Huelskamp (Kan.) — Firm no
Jim Jordan (Ohio) — RSC chairman is strongly opposed
Steve King (Iowa) — Firm no
Raúl Labrador (Idaho) — Office said on July 28 he is leaning no
Connie Mack (Fla.) — Voted against CCB*; firm no
Mick Mulvaney (S.C.) — A no vote
Ron Paul (Texas) — Against raising debt ceiling; voted against CCB*
Dennis Ross (Fla.) — Still a no after emerging from Speaker’s office on Thursday night
Tim Scott (S.C.) — Told Fox’s Neil Cavuto on July 28 he is a no
Steve Southerland (Fla.) — Lawmaker told AP he is a no
Joe Walsh (Ill.) — Said on MSNBC he is a no
Joe Wilson (S.C.) — Like others in S.C. delegation, Wilson is a no