Embedded video for Savannah Music Festival’s campaign to support Swing Central Jazz

Attending one great Savannah Music Festival performance after another, it’s easy to forget about the SMF’s tremendous education efforts.

The most important of those efforts might be Swing Central Jazz, an ambitious effort to bring high school jazz bands to Savannah each spring, to produce educational videos, to bring master jazz players into contact with younger aspiring musicians, and on and on. The SMF thinks all of this is so important that it has even given Swing Central Jazz its own website.

In an effort to fund these ongoing efforts, the SMF has launched a Kickstarter campaign. Here’s the video for the campaign:

As I write this, the campaign still has over a month to go but has only about 10% of the needed $25,000. Donors should realize that they will only be charged for the donation if the campaign’s goal is met.

You can find out more about Swing Central Jazz on the website.